Introducing our new Recommend a Friend programme
As a treat for our loyal Riviera Travel guests, we're offering a Recommend a Friend discount.
For each new customer you recommend to Riviera, as a thank you we’ll give you 10% off a new future booking – and your friend will get 10% off their first Riviera Travel holiday too. It’s what we like to call a win-win situation!
Simply send this page to the friend you're recommending and they need to fill in the form using the button below.
For friends who have been recommended:
- Click the button below
- Fill in the form - include both your details, as well as the friend who referred you.
- When you call us to make a booking, just mention the Recommend A Friend discount.
- If you're eligible, the friendly Riviera staff on the phone will book your holiday for you with 10% off!
Terms & Conditions
This offer applies when an existing customer (the referrer) refers a friend (the referee) to make their first booking with Riviera Travel. The referrer will receive a 10% discount (referral offer) to use on a future Riviera Travel holiday. The referee will receive a 10% discount on their first Riviera Travel booking. The referral offer cannot be applied against an existing booking. The referee must not have previously travelled on any Riviera Travel holiday. Existing customers must have travelled at least once previously with Riviera Travel before being eligible to refer new customers. The referral offer can only be used once and cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion unless at Riviera’s discretion. If the referee cancels their booking before travel, the referral offer may be removed from the referrer. Bookings must be made directly with Riviera Travel to benefit from the Recommend a Friend offer. Existing customers can refer multiple new customers and receive the referral offer for each newbooking made. However these cannot be combined as a discount against a future booking.